
Scientific Projects

Scientific Steps

Students who want to find out things as a scientist, will want to conduct a hands-on investigation. While scientists study a whole area of science, each investigation is focused on learning just one thing at a time. This is essential if the results are to be trusted by the entire science community.

Follow the Scientific Steps below to complete your scientific process for your chosen investigation, Does the sun heat saltwater and freshwater at the same rate?

Your chosen investigation:

What is tested?
Salinity of water (grams of salt per liter)

What stays the same?
Container starting temperature

Data collected:
Temperature over time (1 hour)

Kids Workshops

Kids Workshops provide a mix of skill-building, creativity, and safety for future DIYers every month in Home Depot stores across the country. After registering for the next Workshop, download these exclusive extension activities from Discovery Education. Each extension provides opportunities to reimagine or use their Workshop creation in an unexpected new way.